Working Hard


These are unprecedented times for the economy. At the beginning of the shut down, operating as an essential service we worked hard to re-deploy employees wherever needed to keep everyone actively employed. For the first time ever, we instituted a one-time Team Bonus Pool as an incentive for all active employees.  We have and continue to implement remote work for as many of our employees as possible; and will keep you updated when there is news that affects your position, including the operation of the plant.


Ale-8 is in the governmental category of food and beverage manufacturing and distribution. This category supplies the essential grocery industry and allows us to continue operation during times of economic shutdown. However, it is critical that each day every employee consistently follows social distancing and hygiene SOPs. This allows us to keep our plant open and our employees working.


A one-time Employee Team Bonus Pool was created in April of 2020 as an extra benefit to actively working employees.  With a maximum goal of $109,000, the bonus pool was funded by case sales over an 8-week period beginning April 20, 2020 and lasting until June 13th.  At the end of the bonus period, the amount accrued was then distributed based on the number of hours worked on site during those 8 weeks to all actively working employees.  The maximum bonus potential was achieved on June 8th in part due to the launch of Cherry 20 oz and the re-launch of the seasonal flavor Orange Cream Ale-8. Checks were then distributed to Ale-8 employees fully participating in the program received a bonus check in the amount of $1,362.88.

We are redeploying people

Merchandiser Cody Benningfield is now seen around the office sanitizing our common areas and high traffic locations and is handling our janitorial needs. Now working in the office, Cody found the historic display cases in the lobby full of interesting facts.

Sheila Vaughn has also shown her versatility. Sheila isn’t just great at planning samplings and promotional events; she also has sales experience in her background. She is combining the love of her community, her strong contacts and her lifelong knowledge of Ale-8 with her previous sales experience. She is creating promotional opportunities with local restaurants like Giovanni’s, Broadway Café and Pilot View Grocery who are offering Ale-8’s with their carry out and curbside specials. Sheila is also collaborating with Maker’s Mark on a cocktail kit for spirits providers offering Ale-8 and Bourbon cocktails to go. While Sheila is busy in Winchester and Mt. Sterling, Jason Booth is tackling Lexington with these initiatives.

Stacy & Ben have been assisting with production.
Levi moves pallets in the warehouse.

Employees in Action

Ryan Ison and Brett “Pete” Williams are looking over the Employee Bonus Pool Bottle poster and hoping to see it grow daily through the bonus pool period.

Continued steps are being taken to improve areas where staff typically congregate within our building further emphasizing the importance of social distancing. Check out Kathy in all her PPE behind the plexiglass that was added between her desk and the check in station.

Temporarily Holly worked in the sales office and Matt has relocated to the office downstairs outside the company store while improvements were made to indivdual work stations.


Employees are showing flexibility and willingness to pitch in and work wherever needed working across departments to lend a hand wherever needed.  Supply Chain Manager, Nick Walker and Daniel Newell are seen here operating the Shrinkwrap equipment.


Ale-8 prides itself on being imaginative and can respond quickly to opportunities in the marketplace.  Our Pre-Sellers have missed no opportunity taking advantage of empty shelves in the toilet paper aisle creating out of category sales opportunities!  Way to go team!