When did you have your first Ale-8?
I was 7 I believe and I got one from the Citgo station in Millersburg KY and used the bottle opener they had at the counter.
What is your favorite activity to do outdoors?
Its a tie between Hiking and Camping but I always end up doing more hiking.
What is something you are passionate about?
As a Master Barber I am passionate about my trade, its one of the oldest trades around. I am proud of that history and I want to honor it.
What is a long term goal you are working towards?
My long term goal is to be financially responsible / stable enough to travel a lot more rather than waiting until I’m old and retired to see the things I want to see and experience the world around me.
What is an accomplishment you are proud of?
I am proud to have founded Beard & Loathing in Kentucky, a charity beard and moustache club that was the first sanctioned team in the state and has been going strong since 2011. The team has raised a lot of money for several local children’s charities and the KY Special Olympics.
Other than Ale-8, what is one thing you can’t live without?
PIZZA, for sure!